Source code for helium_py.transactions.transaction

"""Base Transaction Class."""
import base64
import copy
import math
import typing

import betterproto

from helium_py import proto
from helium_py.api import ChainVariables
from helium_py.crypto.address import Address
from helium_py.crypto.utils import EMPTY_SIGNATURE
from helium_py.transactions.payment import Payment

[docs]class Transaction: """Base Transaction Class.""" type: str fields: dict defaults: dict keypairs: dict proto_model_class: typing.Type[betterproto.Message] proto_txn_field: str payment_class: typing.Type[Payment] = Payment # Configuration transaction_fee_multiplier: int = 5000 dc_payload_size: int = 24 staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1: int = 1000000 staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1: int = 4000000
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize a new Transaction instance.""" self.orig_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) for field_type in self.fields: for field_name in self.fields[field_type]: value = kwargs.get(field_name) setattr(self, field_name, value) for field_name in self.defaults: if field_name not in kwargs: setattr(self, field_name, getattr(self, self.defaults[field_name]))
[docs] def serialize(self) -> bytes: """Return the bytes representation of a Transaction instance.""" return bytes(self.to_proto())
[docs] def to_b64(self) -> bytes: """Return base64 encoded byte value for serialized protocol buffer data.""" return base64.b64encode(self.serialize())
[docs] @classmethod def from_b64(cls, serialized_transaction: bytes) -> 'Transaction': """Return a Transaction instance from the provided base64 bytes.""" return cls.deserialize(base64.b64decode(serialized_transaction))
[docs] @classmethod def fetch_config(cls): """Update chain variables via API and return configuration values for chain variables.""" chain_vars = ChainVariables().get_all() return cls.config( transaction_fee_multiplier=chain_vars['txn_fee_multiplier'], dc_payload_size=chain_vars['dc_payload_size'], staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1=chain_vars['staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1'], staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1=chain_vars['staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1'], )
[docs] @classmethod def config( cls, transaction_fee_multiplier: typing.Optional[int] = None, dc_payload_size: typing.Optional[int] = None, staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1: typing.Optional[int] = None, staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> typing.Dict[str, int]: """Optionally update and return configuration values for chain variables.""" if transaction_fee_multiplier is not None: cls.transaction_fee_multiplier = transaction_fee_multiplier if dc_payload_size is not None: cls.dc_payload_size = dc_payload_size if staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1 is not None: cls.staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1 = staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1 if staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 is not None: cls.staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 = staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 return { 'transaction_fee_multiplier': cls.transaction_fee_multiplier, 'dc_payload_size': cls.dc_payload_size, 'staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1': cls.staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1, 'staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1': cls.staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 }
[docs] @staticmethod def string_type(transaction_string: bytes) -> str: """Return the protocol buffer string type of the Transaction instance from bytes repr.""" buf = base64.b64decode(transaction_string) decoded = proto.BlockchainTxn.FromString(buf) return list(decoded.to_dict().keys())[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def getattr_none(obj: typing.Any, attr: str) -> typing.Any: """getattr() but return `None` for any attr that is empty bytes.""" value = getattr(obj, attr) return value if value != b'' else None
[docs] @classmethod def get_deserialized_addresses(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Optional[Address]]: """Return all deserialized Address instances for Transaction instances address fields.""" return { key: Address.from_bin(getattr(proto_model, key)) if getattr(proto_model, key) else None for key in cls.fields.get('addresses', []) }
@classmethod def _get_deserialized_memo(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> bytes: """Return the memo bytes from the int64 memo value if exists.""" memo = cls.getattr_none(proto_model, 'memo') return memo.to_bytes((memo.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'little', signed=False) if memo else None @classmethod def _get_deserialized_plain( cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message, attr_names: typing.List[str] ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """Return the deserialized values for the given attribute names.""" return { key: cls._get_deserialized_memo(proto_model) if key == 'memo' else cls.getattr_none(proto_model, key) for key in attr_names }
[docs] @classmethod def get_deserialized_signatures(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> typing.Dict[str, bytes]: """Return deserialized signatures.""" return cls._get_deserialized_plain(proto_model, cls.fields.get('signatures', []))
[docs] @classmethod def get_deserialized_integers(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> typing.Dict[str, int]: """Return deserialized integers.""" return cls._get_deserialized_plain(proto_model, cls.fields.get('integers', []))
[docs] @classmethod def get_deserialized_strings(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> typing.Dict[str, str]: """Return deserialized strings.""" return cls._get_deserialized_plain(proto_model, cls.fields.get('strings', []))
[docs] @classmethod def get_deserialized_payment_lists(cls, proto_model: betterproto.Message) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.List[Payment]]: """Return deserialized payment lists.""" return { key: cls.payment_class.deserialize_payment_list(getattr(proto_model, key)) for key in cls.fields.get('payment_lists', []) }
[docs] def get_addresses(self): """Return addresses for protocol buffer initialization.""" return {key: getattr(getattr(self, key), 'bin', None) for key in self.fields.get('addresses', [])}
[docs] def get_signatures(self, for_signing: bool = False): """Return signatures for protocol buffer initialization.""" return { key: None if for_signing else getattr(self, key) or None for key in self.fields.get('signatures', []) }
def _get_memo(self): """Return memo value for protocol buffer initialization.""" memo = getattr(self, 'memo', None) if memo and len(memo) > 8: raise ValueError('Memo cannot contain more than 8 bytes.') return int.from_bytes(memo, 'little', signed=False) if memo else None
[docs] def get_integers(self): """Return integers for protocol buffer initialization.""" return { key: self._get_memo() if key == 'memo' else getattr(self, key, None) for key in self.fields.get('integers', []) }
[docs] def get_strings(self): """Return strings for protocol buffer initialization.""" return {key: getattr(self, key, None) for key in self.fields.get('strings', [])}
[docs] def get_payment_lists(self): """Return payment lists for protocol buffer initialization.""" return { key: self.payment_class.payment_list_to_proto(getattr(self, key) or None) for key in self.fields.get('payment_lists', []) }
[docs] def orig_kwarg_gt0_or_none(self, key) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Return the original kwarg value if greater than zero and not None.""" if (key not in self.orig_kwargs or ( self.orig_kwargs[key] is not None and self.orig_kwargs[key] <= 0)): return None return self.orig_kwargs[key]
[docs] def get_calculate_fee_kwargs(self) -> dict: """Return kwargs to use for calculating fee.""" fee_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self.orig_kwargs) fee_kwargs.update({ key: EMPTY_SIGNATURE for key in self.get_signatures() }) fee_kwargs['fee'] = self.orig_kwarg_gt0_or_none('fee') return fee_kwargs
@property def calculated_fee(self) -> int: """Property for calculated fee for Transaction in current state.""" return self.calculate_fee(**self.get_calculate_fee_kwargs())
[docs] @classmethod def calculate_fee(cls, **init_kwargs: dict) -> int: """Return fee for transaction based on payload size and chain variables.""" payload = cls(**init_kwargs).serialize() return math.ceil(len(payload) / cls.dc_payload_size) * cls.transaction_fee_multiplier
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serialized_transaction: bytes) -> 'Transaction': """Return a Transaction instance from the provided serialized transaction bytes.""" proto_model = getattr( proto.BlockchainTxn.FromString(serialized_transaction), cls.proto_txn_field, ) return cls( **cls.get_deserialized_addresses(proto_model), **cls.get_deserialized_signatures(proto_model), **cls.get_deserialized_integers(proto_model), **cls.get_deserialized_strings(proto_model), **cls.get_deserialized_payment_lists(proto_model) )
[docs] @typing.no_type_check def to_proto(self, for_signing: bool = False) -> betterproto.Message: """Return a protocol buffer BlockchainTxn instance from this Transaction instance.""" proto_model_kwargs = { **self.get_addresses(), **self.get_integers(), **self.get_strings(), **self.get_signatures(for_signing), **self.get_payment_lists(), } transaction_proto_model = self.proto_model_class(**proto_model_kwargs) if for_signing: return transaction_proto_model proto_txn_kwargs = { self.proto_txn_field: transaction_proto_model } return proto.BlockchainTxn(**proto_txn_kwargs)
[docs] def sign(self, **kwargs) -> 'Transaction': """Sign a Transaction instance using available keypairs.""" serialized = bytes(self.to_proto(for_signing=True)) for key, attr_name in self.keypairs.items(): keypair = kwargs.get(key) if keypair: setattr(self, attr_name, keypair.sign(serialized)) return self