Source code for helium_py.transactions.payment

"""Payment helper class for use in building payloads for the Payment V2 transaction."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional

from helium_py import proto
from helium_py.crypto.address import Address

[docs]@dataclass class Payment: """Payment Class providing protocol buffer serialization and deserialization of Payments.""" payee: Address amount: int memo: Optional[bytes]
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize_payment_list(protocol_buffer_payment_list: List[proto.Payment]) -> List['Payment']: """Deserialize a list of Protocol Buffer Payment objects into a list of this Payment Dataclass.""" payments = [] for payment in protocol_buffer_payment_list: payee = Address.from_bin(payment.payee) if payee is not None: payments.append(Payment( payee=payee, amount=payment.amount, memo=payment.memo.to_bytes( (payment.memo.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'little', signed=False) if payment.memo else None )) return payments
[docs] @staticmethod def payment_list_to_proto(payment_list: List['Payment']) -> List[proto.Payment]: """Serialize a list of this Payment Dataclass into a list of Protocol Buffer Payment objects.""" payments = [] for payment in payment_list: if payment.memo and len(payment.memo) > 8: raise ValueError('Memo cannot contain more than 8 bytes.') kwargs = {} if payment.memo: kwargs['memo'] = int.from_bytes(payment.memo, byteorder='little', signed=False) payments.append( proto.Payment( payee=payment.payee.bin, amount=payment.amount, **kwargs )) return payments