Source code for helium_py.test.utils

"""helium-py test utils."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from helium_py.crypto.keypair import Keypair

"""Words for test user Bob.

    These words generate a real Helium account and should be considered COMPROMISED.
    Don't send any money to them that you don't want to lose.

"""Words for test user Alice.

    These words generate a real Helium account and should be considered COMPROMISED.
    Don't send any money to them that you don't want to lose.

BOB_B58 = b'13M8dUbxymE3xtiAXszRkGMmezMhBS8Li7wEsMojLdb4Sdxc4wc'
"""B58 for Bob."""

ALICE_B58 = b'148d8KTRcKA5JKPekBcKFd4KfvprvFRpjGtivhtmRmnZ8MFYnP3'
"""B58 for Alice."""

BOB_BIP_39_WORDS = [word if word != 'energy' else 'episode' for word in BOB_WORDS]
"""BIP 39 Words for Bob."""

[docs]@dataclass class TestUser: """Data for a test user.""" words: str b58: bytes keypair: Keypair bip_39_words: Optional[str] = None
[docs]@dataclass class TestUsers: """Users to be used in tests.""" bob: TestUser alice: TestUser
[docs]def get_test_users(): """Fixture to provide user objects to test cases.""" return TestUsers( bob=TestUser( words=BOB_WORDS, b58=BOB_B58, keypair=Keypair.from_words(BOB_WORDS), bip_39_words=BOB_BIP_39_WORDS, ), alice=TestUser( words=ALICE_WORDS, b58=ALICE_B58, keypair=Keypair.from_words(ALICE_WORDS), ), )