Source code for helium_py.api.pending_transactions

"""Pending Transactions client for Helium Blockchain API."""
from typing import Union

from ..transactions.transaction import Transaction
from .api import API

[docs]class PendingTransactions(API): """Pending Transactions client class for Helium Blockchain API. """ base_path = 'pending_transactions'
[docs] def get_status(self, transaction_hash: str) -> dict: """Yield transaction status details for a particular hash. Args: transaction_hash: The transaction hash to fetch pending transaction details. """ return self.client.get(path=f'/{transaction_hash}')
[docs] def submit_transaction(self, txn: Union[str, Transaction]) -> dict: """Submit a transaction to the Helium Blockchain API. Args: txn: The base64 encoded transaction data str or Transaction object. """ if not isinstance(txn, str): txn = txn.to_b64().decode('ascii') return'', json={'txn': txn})