Source code for helium_py.api.ouis

"""OUIs client for Helium Blockchain API."""
from typing import Generator

from .api import API

[docs]class OUIs(API): """OUIs client class for Helium Blockchain API. """ base_path = 'ouis'
[docs] def all(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield all ouis.""" return self.client.fetch_all()
[docs] def get_oui(self, address: int) -> dict: """Return information for a specific OUI. Args: address: The oui address to fetch information for. """ return self.client.get(path=f'/{address}')
[docs] def get_last(self) -> dict: """Return the last assigned OUI transaction.""" return self.client.get(path='/last')
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict: """Return stats for the registered OUIs.""" return self.client.get(path='/stats')