Source code for helium_py.api.client

"""Base client for Helium Blockchain API."""
import logging
import math
from typing import Generator, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlunsplit

import requests
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from ..version import VERSION
from .constants import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Client: """Base client class for Helium Blockchain API. Sub-classes define specific paths or parameters for different aspects of the API. """ base_path = '' host = HELIUM_API_DEFAULT_HOST port = 443 user_agent = '' _page_cache: dict = {}
[docs] def __init__( self, host: str = None, port: int = None, user_agent: str = None, base_path: str = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the API client. Args: host (str): Hostname for Helium blockchain API. port (int): Port for Helium blockchain API. user_agent (str): Custom user agent. """ if host is not None: = host if port is not None: self.port = port if user_agent is not None: self.user_agent = user_agent if base_path is not None: self.base_path = base_path self.netloc = f'{}:{self.port}' self.session = requests.Session() retry_adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( max_retries=Retry( total=10, status_forcelist=[429, 503], backoff_factor=1.5, ), ) base_url = urlunsplit(('https', self.netloc, '', '', '')) self.session.mount(base_url, retry_adapter) self.session.headers.update({'User-Agent': self.build_user_agent()})
[docs] def build_user_agent(self): """Return the User-Agent.""" agent = f'helium-py/{VERSION}' return f'{agent} {self.user_agent}' if self.user_agent else agent
@property def _base_path(self) -> str: base_path = '' if in HELIUM_API_OFFICIAL_HOSTS: base_path += f'{HELIUM_API_DEFAULT_VERSION}/' if self.base_path: base_path += f'{self.base_path}' return base_path def __get(self, path: str = None, params: dict = None) -> dict: """Get the response for a request. Args: path: URL path for query. params: Query parameters. Returns: The payload from the request. Raises: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If the response code is not a successful one. """ if path is None: path = '' if params is None: params = {} url = urlunsplit(('https', self.netloc, f'{self._base_path}{path}/', '', '')) r = self.session.get(url, params=params) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs] def get(self, path: str = None, params: dict = None): """Get the response for a request. Args: path: URL path for query. params: Query parameters. Returns: The payload from the request, unpacked if possible Raises: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If the response code is not a successful one. """ result = self.__get(path=path, params=params) return result['data'] if isinstance(result, dict) and 'data' in result else result
[docs] def fetch_all( self, path: str = '', params: Optional[dict] = None, page_limit: Union[float, int] = math.inf, ) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield objects returned by API. Args: path: Path for initial query. params: Query params page_limit: The max number of pages to return. float is permitted since math.inf is the provided representation of inifinity in the language, and the default is that there is no limit. """ params = params or {} page_limit = int(page_limit) if type(page_limit) is float and page_limit is not math.inf else page_limit page_count = 0 page: dict = {} prev_page_cursor = None while page_count < page_limit: page = self.get_next_page(page, path, params) data = page['data'] if type(data) is list: for obj in data: yield obj else: yield data if prev_page_cursor: self._page_cache[prev_page_cursor] = page # Unknown: Can we cache the first 'None' call? logger.debug(f'caching page: {prev_page_cursor}') prev_page_cursor = page.get('cursor', None) page_count += 1 if 'cursor' not in page: page_limit = -1 # break else: params['cursor'] = page['cursor']
[docs] def get_next_page(self, current_page: dict, path: str, params: dict) -> dict: """Return the next page from cache or from the API. Args: current_page: Current page or empty dict. path: Path for initial query. params: Query params """ if 'cursor' in current_page and current_page['cursor'] in self._page_cache: page = self._page_cache[params['cursor']] logger.debug(f'loaded page from cache: {params["cursor"]}') else: page = self.__get(path, params) return page
[docs] def post(self, path: str, json: Optional[dict]) -> dict: """Get the response for a POST request. Args: path: URL path for query. json: JSON payload as dict. Returns: The payload from the request. Raises: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If the response code is not a successful one. """ if json is None: json = {} url = urlunsplit(('https', self.netloc, f'{self._base_path}{path}/', '', '')) r =, json=json) r.raise_for_status() result = r.json() return result['data'] if isinstance(result, dict) and 'data' in result else result