Source code for helium_py.api.cities

"""Cities client for Helium Blockchain API."""

from typing import Generator, Optional

from .api import API
from .decorators import filter_modes_api

[docs]class Cities(API): """Cities client class for Helium Blockchain API. """ base_path = 'cities'
[docs] def all(self, search: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield all cities. Args: search: Search term. Returns: All cities found by calling the api. """ return self.client.fetch_all(params={'search': search} if search else None)
[docs] @filter_modes_api def hotspots_for_id(self, city_id: str, params: Optional[dict]) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield hotspots for provided city_id. Args: city_id: The id for a city in the API. params: Params for filter_modes_api decorator """ return self.client.fetch_all( path=f'/{city_id}/hotspots', params=params if params else None )
[docs] def get_by_id(self, city_id: str) -> dict: """Return city identified by provided city_id. Args: city_id: The id for a city in the API. """ return self.client.get(path=f'/{city_id}')