Source code for helium_py.api.blocks

"""Blocks client for Helium Blockchain API."""

from typing import Generator, Optional

from .api import API
from .decorators import time_filterable_api

[docs]class Blocks(API): """Blocks client class for Helium Blockchain API. """ base_path = 'blocks'
[docs] def all(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield all block descriptions.""" return self.client.fetch_all()
[docs] @time_filterable_api def get_height(self, params: Optional[dict]) -> dict: """Return the current height of the blockchain.""" return self.client.get(path='/height', params=params if params else None)
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict: """Return stats for block production time.""" return self.client.get(path='/stats')
[docs] def get_block_descriptor_for_height(self, height: int) -> dict: """Return block descriptor for block at height.""" return self.client.get(path=f'/{height}')
[docs] def get_transactions_for_height(self, height: int) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield transactions for block at height.""" return self.client.fetch_all(path=f'/{height}/transactions')
[docs] def get_block_descriptor_for_hash(self, hash: str) -> dict: """Return block descriptor for block with provided hash.""" return self.client.get(path=f'/hash/{hash}')
[docs] def get_transactions_for_hash(self, hash: str) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yield transactions for block with provided hash.""" return self.client.fetch_all(path=f'/hash/{hash}/transactions')