
class helium_py.proto.GatewayScIsActiveReqV1(sc_id: bytes = <object object at 0x7fdce1e05210>, sc_owner: bytes = <object object at 0x7fdce1e05210>)[source]

Bases: Message

__init__(sc_id: bytes = <object object>, sc_owner: bytes = <object object>) None



Parse the binary encoded Protobuf into this message instance.


Get the binary encoded Protobuf representation of this message instance.

__init__([sc_id, sc_owner])


Parse the key/value pairs into the current message instance.


A helper function to return the message instance from its JSON representation.


Parse the binary encoded Protobuf into this message instance.

to_dict([casing, include_default_values])

Returns a JSON serializable dict representation of this object.


A helper function to parse the message instance into its JSON representation.




classmethod FromString(data: bytes) T

Parse the binary encoded Protobuf into this message instance. This returns the instance itself and is therefore assignable and chainable.


This is a method for compatibility with other libraries, you should really use parse().

data: bytes

The data to parse the protobuf from.


The initialized message.

SerializeToString() bytes

Get the binary encoded Protobuf representation of this message instance.


This is a method for compatibility with other libraries, you should really use bytes(x).


The binary encoded Protobuf representation of this message instance

from_dict(value: Dict[str, Any]) T

Parse the key/value pairs into the current message instance. This returns the instance itself and is therefore assignable and chainable.

value: Dict[str, Any]

The dictionary to parse from.


The initialized message.

from_json(value: Union[str, bytes]) T

A helper function to return the message instance from its JSON representation. This returns the instance itself and is therefore assignable and chainable.

This is equivalent to:

return message.from_dict(json.loads(value))
value: Union[str, bytes]

The value to pass to json.loads().


The initialized message.

parse(data: bytes) T

Parse the binary encoded Protobuf into this message instance. This returns the instance itself and is therefore assignable and chainable.

data: bytes

The data to parse the protobuf from.


The initialized message.

to_dict(casing: ~betterproto.Casing = <function camel_case>, include_default_values: bool = False) Dict[str, Any]

Returns a JSON serializable dict representation of this object.

casing: Casing

The casing to use for key values. Default is Casing.CAMEL for compatibility purposes.

include_default_values: bool

If True will include the default values of fields. Default is False. E.g. an int32 field will be included with a value of 0 if this is set to True, otherwise this would be ignored.

Dict[str, Any]

The JSON serializable dict representation of this object.

to_json(indent: Union[None, int, str] = None) str

A helper function to parse the message instance into its JSON representation.

This is equivalent to:

json.dumps(message.to_dict(), indent=indent)
indent: Optional[Union[int, str]]

The indent to pass to json.dumps().


The JSON representation of the message.